Lesson Policy
Monthly - $125.00 / Fall Semester - $500 / Spring Semester - $625 / Annually - $1125
Adult Students Fee $32 a Lesson
Annually this fee includes:
* 34 lessons (private and group) from early Sept. to end of May (includes Holiday Caroling Party).
All private lessons include 40-60 minutes of private instruction and computer lab time.
(See Piano Lessons link)
Private lessons include occasional group lessons which include 45-60 minutes of classroom instruction and musical activity.
* A music education curriculum designed for your child's talents and interests.
* Spring Studio Recital
* Preparation for optional piano performances outside of the Studio - WMTA District Auditions, WSMA Solo/Ensemble, MMTA Festival and others. Registration fees and additional rehearsals are extra.
Material Fees
$100.00 per student per year due the first lesson of the year.
Annually this fee includes:
* CDs for recording special completed pieces
* $5 toward the Sight-Reading Music Lending Library
* Music books student will be assigned
* Music education online subscriptions -- Practice Space, SproutBeat, FJH Atlas.
If books purchased are more than $50, you will be billed for that amount at end of year.
If books purchased are less than $50, difference will be refunded at end of year.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your lesson time. Please be courteous to my neighbors as you drive slowly up our commonly owned drive. Please be respectful of all personal property.
Each student has a one-hour block of time set aside for their lesson.
Fee Payment
Monthly fees are due at first lesson of each month.
Semester payments are due first lesson of each semester.
Annual payments are due first lesson of year.
Materials fee is due with first monthly or semester payment or with annual payment.
Easy access to a tuned piano or digital keyboard for consistent, frequent practice sessions.
A smart phone or tablet for using Tonara, our practice app, and online lessons.
An operable, functioning metronome - "there's an app for that!" There are many smart phone metronome apps or a metronome can be purchased either from the studio or a local music store.
Arrangements will be made to make up lessons that have been cancelled for excused absences.
Excused absences are illness, a death in the family or bad weather.
If a lesson is missed due to any other scheduling conflict, I will not make up those lessons or return the fee.
During bad weather, call ahead - Leave a message as to your decision. A piano lesson is not worth losing a life or damaging a car. I will do all I can to make up that lesson or give a refund if it is appropriate.
Practice Commitment
Students are required to practice at least 5 days a week using the Practice Space practice app. Parents are expected to help students by helping them create consistent practice schedules.